HomeHvordanIphoneSlik endrer du tekststørrelse på iPhone for individuelle apper (iOS 15)

Slik endrer du tekststørrelse på iPhone for individuelle apper (iOS 15)

Jada, du kan justere tekststørrelsen for hele iPhone, men hva om det bare er en eller to apper som er vanskelige å lese? Takket være iOS 15 kan du nå redusere eller øke tekststørrelsen for én eller flere apper i stedet for å endre skriftstørrelse på tvers av alle apper! Vi veileder deg gjennom oppsett og tekststørrelsesjustering på iPhone for individuelle apper.

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Hvorfor du vil elske dette tipset

  • Slutt å myse for å se små utskrifter i én app – juster skriftstørrelsen for apper på iPhone app-for-app-basis.
  • Å justere tekststørrelsen på iPhone som helhet kan gjøre noe apptekst for stor eller for liten. Tilpass appens skriftstørrelse med denne hurtigjusteringsglidebryteren.

Important: Since this tip uses features new to iOS 15, if you have an earlier software version you will need to update to iOS 15 before using these steps.

How to Add Font Size to Control Center

Before you can adjust text size on iPhone for each app, you’ll need to add the Text Size adjustment feature to the Control Center on your iPhone. Once you’ve done that you can move on to the next section to learn how to change font size in apps! Want to see more iPhone tricks? Sign up for our free Tip of the Day newsletter.

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and tap on Control Center.
  3. First, make sure the Access Within Appstoggle is enabled. The toggle will be green when enabled.
  4. In the Included Controls section you’ll see items that are already available within your Control Center. Note: If you see Text Size in this section, that means it is already in your Control Center. Skip to the next section.
  5. Scroll down to the More Controls section to see additional features available to add.
  6. Tap on the green + icon next to Text Size.
  7. Text Size will now be available when you open the Control Center on your iPhone.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you can exit Settings and move on to the next section to use this new iOS 15 feature to adjust app text sizes.

How to Increase iPhone Font Size for Individual Apps

Now that you have access to Text Size in the Control Center on your iPhone, let’s learn how to change text size on iPhone for each app that’s hard to read. 

  1. First, open the app for which you want to change text size.
  2. Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of your screen. For iPhones with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
  3. Tap the Text Size icon to adjust font size.
  4. If the All Apps icon is blue, tap the [This App] Only icon. The name of the app will change depending on which app you’re adjusting at the time.
  5. Use your finger to move the slider up or down to change font size for the app. The more white bars, the larger the font size.
  6. Look at the top of the screen for a preview of the actual size of the font.
  7. When you’re finished, tap a blank part of the screen to exit, then do so once more.

Now you know how to change text size for iPhone apps individually! Just repeat these steps while in each app to customize the text on an app-by-app basis.